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Here you will find models which for different reasons cannot be clearly assigned to a specific region. If you are interested in currently out of production models, you can make a non-committal pre-order!
If you are interested in a currently out of production model, you can make a non-committal pre-order! The more orders we collect, the faster we can schedule a new edition. You are welcome to ask for prices for large orders of more than 50 pcs.
In the case of a new edition, there is the opportunity to consider different road numbers, color schemes or advertising variants. Send us your inquiry with picture by e-mail!

Green dot: Item available, subject to prior sale
Red dot: Article sold out, pre-order for new edition possible

10 |  20 |  50 per page
1-10 of 16 < 1 2 > 
Name Price Quantity
KSW work car, orange, with drive
Tram, with drive, M 1:87, track: H0, length (LüP) about 121 mm, operating voltage: 12V =, 1 KSW drive, 2 driven axles, 2 live axles, with inserted, crystal-clear and printed windows, open doors on one side, interior with metal handle bars and driver's cab, metal pantographs.

159,20 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
KSW work car, orange, highend static model
Tram, with drive, M 1:87, track: H0, length (LüP) about 121 mm, with inserted, crystal-clear and printed windows,  open doors on one side, interior with metal handle bars and driver's cab, metal pantographs.

127,20 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
Decals for KSW work cars
One sheet of decals for wartime tramcars, Germany, 1:87 (KSW-OAW).

6,40 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
Vintage neutral orange maintenance car, railcar, with drive
Neutral maintenance car, orange/gray, without a specific model, railcar, with drive,
Decals included

156,00 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
Vintage neutral orange maintenance car, railcar, high end static model
Neutral maintenance car, orange/gray, without a specific model, railcar, floor model high end static model, plastic axles, decals included

99,20 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
Decals for warning stripes red / white
Decals for warning stripes red / white 1:87.

6,40 €
per Pkg 2
incl. 20,00% VAT
Freigtht wagon grey, black chassis
Article IDOLD-GW2
Freight wagon, scale 1/87, gauge H0, metal wheels

39,20 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
Freigtht wagon brown, black chassis
Article IDOLD-GW3
Freight wagon, scale 1/87, gauge H0, metal wheels

39,20 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
Freigtht wagon grey, gray chassis
Article IDOLD-GW1
Freight wagon, scale 1/87, gauge H0, metal wheels.

39,20 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
Freigtht wagon brown, gray chassis
Article IDOLD-GW4
Freight wagon, scale 1/87, gauge H0, metal wheels

39,20 €
per Pcs
incl. 20,00% VAT
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* All prices incl. VAT, plus shipping and handling fee